

Septemberfest Labor Day parade is a tradition for many local families


Many families have made the Septemberfest Labor Day Parade a tradition. 

Music energized the crowd and giant balloons flew high in the sky, while floats and fire trucks made their way down the streets of downtown Omaha. 

Many kids had a favorite part of the parade.

“Probably getting the candy,” said one kid.
“The dogs, trains and all that good stuff,” said another. 

Parents were just happy to have the day off.

“I don't even know, I can’t even explain it.  To have a day off is so good.  It is great to be at home with the family,” said Candace Curry. 

Labor Day was founded by America’s earliest labor unions, so of course many local union members proudly marched in the parade. 

“It keeps our economy going.  It keeps us building our cities,” said union member Pete Anderson. 

On a holiday dedicated to the achievements of American workers, jobs and the economy were on many people’s minds. 

“I think minimum wage should go up, a lot people work hard for their money,” said Patricia Keener. 

Congressional candidate Don Bacon weighed in.

“I’m a firm believer that states should be the determining factor on the minimum wage. What’s good for New York City may not be good for Lincoln or Omaha,” said Bacon.

Incumbent Congressman Brad Ashford reflected on what major changes he wants to see. 

“We need younger families to have the opportunity to address their student debt.  They also need to get trained in the skills they need to get 21st century jobs,” said Ashford.