According to a study by Zendrive, an organization trying to make roads safer, one in 11 public schools is within 500 feet of heavy traffic and 88 percent of Americans admit to using their cell phones while driving.
Zendrive created a map to analyze 75,000 schools in the United States to find the states and counties that are the safest, and the most dangerous around the country.
In Nebraska, those dangerous counties are Douglas and Lancaster, each receiving a D- grade. Douglas County ranks 39th out of the 39 counties studied, while Lancaster was 38th. The other Nebraska counties that received D+ or worse were Buffalo, Gage, Platte and Adams.
Holt County received an A+, making it the safest county in the state.
Overall, Nebraska was ranked the 28th in school safety.
The study was done based phone sensors and 30 billion miles worth of data.