

The Tenth Street Public Market project is no longer moving forward


A public market set to open in downtown Omaha at 10th and Pierce streets is no longer happening.

A sign on the old Omaha Postal Annex says the future home of the Tenth Street Market is set to open in 2018. But the board of directors behind the project say its done.

Here's the statement:

"Due to a variety of factors, it has become clear that now is not the time for the public market. As such, the board has decided to discontinue its efforts.
The Board of the Tenth Street Market is grateful for so many people who put time and effort into this concept."

Jim Douglas lives and works two blocks away from 10th and Pierce. He says he was looking forward to a public market going in on this block.

"We followed it on Facebook," Douglas said.

Ethan Bondelid is also disappointed. His restaurant, Via Farina, is right next to where the market would have gone.

"Any attention or any traffic around this area is great for us and its a cool project - or sounded like it was a cool project," Bondelid said. "Its a little disappointing. I think that the attention that they created around the project is going to make some developers aware of it. They spent a lot of time cleaning the whole property out so its ripe right now for someone else to come in and do something with it."