Dozens of University of Nebraska at Omaha students marched from Mammel Hall to the Milo Bail student center Thursday morning to show their support for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA.
"Our goal here is that they can hear us, that they see we are here and we're not backing down," said UNO student Aubrey Dinslage.
"Even though this doesn't directly affect me, this is something that directly affects thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people," said Maxwell Coburn who was at the march.
The students wanted to send a message to lawmakers to pass the DREAM Act to prevent deportation of thousands of students.
The Act would allow undocumented children to be eligible for a 6-year long path to citizenship requiring a college degree or two years of military service.
President Trump recinded former President Obama's executive order saying it was unconstitutional and it should go through the congressional process first.
"As Dreamers we are here to stay and we're going to be in this country for a while so it's better to get our foot in the door politically right now and energize ourselves because we're going to be on this fight for several years this is just the beginning," said UNO student and Dreamer Cesar Magana-Linares.
The current DACA provisions expire in March which is why many at this rally say it needs to be a priority in Congress.