OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) - The first solar eclipse visible from the United States is passing right through the heart of Nebraska, and the University of Nebraska at Omaha and the University of Nebraska Medical Center are helping Nebraska residents get ready for it.
On June 10 and 11, UNO will host three events to educate the public about the total solar eclipse, which will occur on Aug. 21.
Dr. Peter H. Schultz of Brown University will hold a lecture titled "What Made the Man in the Moon?" on 1 p.m. on June 10.
At 6 p.m. that same day, UNO's Mallory Kountze Planetarium will host a lecture on how to prepare for the solar eclipse. The lecture will be available again at 2 p.m. on June 11.
On June 13, the director of the Kountze Planetarium, Dr. David Kriegler will host face-to-face conversations about the eclipse at the Slowdown as part of the next Omaha Science Cafe event. The Omaha Science Cafe is run by UNMC.
Kriegler has been an instructor of astronomy and physics for more than 40 years.