

Washington County struggling with donations


A charity in need of last minute donations is asking for your help.

The Salvation Army in Washington County says it is struggling to meet their goal of 12 thousand dollars.

The bell ringers say they've only made about half of their goal and without the rest they'll have to turn down people in need this season.

"Without them we wouldn't have power, we wouldn't be in our home."

Just this year Shannon Humphrey struggled to pay her light bill while paying off medical expenses for her son who suffers from Cerebral Palsy.

"It was a thousand dollars and they were very kind and got me caught up."

This season Washington County’s Salvation Army says the money is not coming in.

"We are coming up short this year we need about 12 thousand every year to help people in Washington County that come up short, and we are only at 58 hundred.”

“We only got Saturday coming and that's it."

Bill Smutko wants to stress the money put into kettle's in Omaha does not make it to Washington County.

"90 percent of what we make stays right here and goes to help people in Washington County."

With only half of what they need this is the first time the bell ringers have come up this short just before Christmas.

 "I know we've had some bad weather and that may have kept people from coming in, I don't know."

The lack of donations directly affects their community.

"That's people we can't help, that's somebody's rent we can't help."

The bell ringers say any last minute donations would go a long way.

"You're helping families and you are helping your community, you're not helping someone who doesn't need help."