

What's Driving You Crazy: 168th and Pine accidents


A stretch of an Omaha roadway is overdue for an update and dangers on the road are mounting. 

Resident Barb King, who lives near the problem area near 168th and Pine, says she often hears tires squealing or horns honking. 

This past spring, a crash sent one car into her backyard, "completely through the fence," she said. 

Now, with a partial new fence, King wonders when the crashes and congestion will end. 

"Been here since 1982," she said. "The city's been talking doing this remodel....we've been hearing about it forever." 

The city knows it's a trouble spot. 

"We understand there's crashes happening," Todd Pfitzer of Omaha Public Works said. "We've got about triple the capacity on the roadway today than it was originally designed for."