As the metro keeps growing, keeping up with the traffic is a big task for county and state leaders. One of those places that some people want drastic changes is the intersection of 150th Street and Highway 370 in Sarpy County.
Years ago, the intersection was barely traveled and featured miles of cornfields. Now, as the metro keeps growing, the roads in the area have become more and more dangerous, according to some residents.
"It's always a scary intersection because of the speed limit on 370 and you can't always see if cars are coming over the slight hill going West on 370," Kelsey Huber, who lives in the area, said.
Christina Schaben, who has worked in the area for nine years, says a stoplight would be very beneficial.
"Folks trying yo turn left are waiting significantly longer than those who run right because there's no stoplight," she said.
City officials say as a development around 150th Street and Highway 370 continues, they are seeing an increase in the amount of traffic on 150th Street. In statement they said, "Sarpy County is working with the Nebraska Department of Transportation on a project that includes a traffic light as well as widening the intersection on both sides of Highway 370."