OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — One year after a long winter with brutal temps and snowfall into March, the Farmer's Almanac says 2020 may not be much better, with two-thirds of the country facing a winter colder than normal, with the worst of it toward the end of January.
Plus, the midwest is slated for above average snow yet again.
"How they come up with the predictions, I'm not sure that's kind of a vetted secret,” says Brian Smith, Warning Coordination Meteorologist with the National Weather Service.
Brian Smith with the National Weather Service says it's unclear how accurate it is or how they come up with their forecasts.
All the almanac says is they put sunspot activity, tidal action of the moon and the position of the planets into a formula and spit the predictions into the almanac.
The National Weather Service's forecast which will come out in a month or so is centered around a computer model, taking in data like weather patterns and sea surface temperatures.
"We put in science, into the modeling that takes place and the predictions that come out of it, so we want people to follow that,” says Smith.
So are Omahans looking forward to a cold and wet winter the almanac predicts?
"I'm not looking forward to that, I really am not, I don't have a four-wheel drive so digging out of the driveway, yeah not the most appealing,” says Tawnee Siegler.
Others think it’ll be profitable.
"I think money, I think a lot of money you know, cause snow removal is a very big thing in my life, I make most of my living off snow removal,” says Devin Cannon.