"Seems like every time we get a step forward you take two steps back," said Wade.
Since 1994 Wade and his wife took over the restaurant that's been a mainstay in Wahoo since 1930. Wade hopes he can remodel soon so he can quit looking at the mess, "Just takes and turns your stomach in knots. To spend pretty much half your life working at something and then to have it disappear one afternoon."
To make matter worse, the owners also lived above the Wigwam Cafe and had to find another place to live.
Fifteen months after a fire torched through Wahoo State Bank, it’s neighbor, Wigwam Cafe hopes to be back in business soon.
The restaurant suffered from flooding problems and structural issues since the fire and had to wait on insurance and are currently dealing with electrical issues.
Co-owner Clayton Wade said an electrician told him power could be back on later this week once they find the source of the outage.
Wade is not sure on a time table on when they will be ready to open for business.