A holiday crime hits close to home for an Omaha family after someone broke into a home on Thanksgiving.
The family is hoping to get one item back by Christmas - an heirloom wedding ring.
"It appears they used some sort of pry bar to pry the security door away from the frame so they could bend the dead-bolt out out of the frame and push it in" said Rebecca Learned, who is searching for the ring.
Thanksgiving evening, Rebecca Learned, walks in her front door to find her home near 40th and Valley in disarray. The TV was moved and her belongings were strewn about on the floor.
"It was just kind of shocking at first and then very very aggravating," said Learned.
Electronics and others items were stolen but it's what wasn't immediately obvious that was the most serious - a missing family heirloom almost 90 years old. It belonged to Learned's great-grandmother.
"My great-grandma, her name was Opal. And she actually only got to wear it for eight years because she died very suddenly and unexpectedly in 1938, and she was only 26 years old," said Learned.
"That left my great-grandpa with three little kids to raise on his own and a farm to take care of so. So it was a rough year for him and my grandma and her siblings but they managed to hold onto this ring the whole entire time."
Bought in 1930, the antique wedding ring is white gold with a round cut diamond.
Learned says she's holding out hope the ring will be returned, ensuring the keepsake will be handed down for generations to come.
"I would be ecstatic. I would maybe have a little more faith in humanity restored to me. It would be kind of like winning the lottery," said Learned.
If you have information about the ring, email Megan Hahn at Meganhahn@3newsnow.com