

Teen makes $35,000 plowing Seattle's historic snow


Seattle has been suffering through its snowiest February in 70 years , with accumulations of up to 10 inches in some places. But all that white has meant green for one young man with a snowplow, who says he made $35,000 in four days.

David Holsten, 18, works as a landscaper and plowing snow in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Holsten was in Seattle visiting his mother, who was recovering from surgery.

"I was in the hospital when my friend Steve called me and gave me the idea of bringing my plow truck to Seattle," Holsten said.

The next day he set up a Craigslist ad offering to plow snow in Seattle. When he received a job offer for $1,000, he decided to drive his plow-truck back to Washington when he went to be with his mom for her birthday.

"After the [birthday] party, I hit the road with jobs lined up until midnight. All during that time, I was answering my phone and adding new customers to my snow route for Monday," Holsten said.

Holsten received calls to clear snow-covered driveways and parking lots, and said he plowed 15 sites over four days last week. At rates of $500 to $750 an hour, he said he brought in $35,000.

Holsten said he plans to donate 20% to his church, buy some lawn equipment, and will save the rest to put toward his first house.

Holsten credits his faith for his success and said his theme Bible verse for the trip is Luke 12:31: "But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well."

He said, "The Lord blessed me with the money for the sole purpose of advancing his kingdom. All of the glory goes to God!"
