

Small crowd protested against Moore's execution


Protesters say the time of day and weather may be to blame for Moore's execution turn out.

Either way they'll continue their fight against the death penalty.

A small but very emotional turn out at the state penitentiary for those against Nebraska's decision to execute Carey Dean Moore.

"I object to what my tax dollars are paying for today," said Matthew Rehwaldt.

People held signs, cried,  and even kneeled in prayer with hopes of spreading the message against capital punishment.

"Other states have repealed the death penalty and many are moving that way," said Matt Maly.

Protesters say this turn out is not a reflection of all those against the death penalty.

"Many Nebraskans are opposed to this, don't want this to happen from all corners of our state, all faith backgrounds and all political ideologies," said Maly.

Protests of executions in the 90's drew much larger crowds.

"I'm tired of Nebraska killing folks, I'm tired of this, you're are teaching that killing is wrong by killing, I am tired of that."

Big crowds on both sides gathered outside the state penitentiary in 1994 for Harold Otey's execution and in 1996 for John Joubert's execution.

Nonetheless those against the death penalty say they'll continue to fight for what they believe in.

"We shouldn't be in the business of retribution, we should be in the business of locking up dangerous people and keeping them locked up until they die," said Rehwaldt.