Last week, KMTV told you about Liam Rosemeyer. The boy's dad is on his 5th air force deployment and his mom wanted to make his birthday extra special.
Liam needs a boost to get to the mailbox., but that doesn't matter. This kid LOVES mail. He watches for the postal service truck every day and runs past mom to the mailbox.
"I got to thinking how great would it be if everybody sent Liam a card of his birthday," Sara Rosemeyer, Liam's mother said.
Liam's birthday, September 28th, was one she wanted to make special for her son, who has autism.
"It's just about making his day. Liam gets so over stimulated from going places the hard thing to accept with this diagnosis is how homebound we've been."
But asking for something like cards, for a boy who waits for the mailman every day, could work. She started a Facebook page and called it Birthday Cards for Liam and got a PO Box.
"I didn't know what to expect," Sara said.
We caught up with Liam the day after his 4th birthday. He had stacks and stacks of cards.
"The overwhelming part," Sara said. "It wasn't just a few letters. We got hundreds of them"
Postage has poured in, the first day after KMTV's story, the family received some 200 cards. It's been a fun experience for Liam's three siblings too. Each day a trip to the mailbox, or "my box" as Liam calls it, left the family with hundreds of birthday cards. Some pen pals even wrote notes to Sara.
As of September 29th, Liam's received 884 pieces of mail. Other businesses and organizations have sent Liam cards, birthday party supplies, and coupons.
Most of all, it's lead to a very special day, for a very special boy, and a simple reminder for us all.
"That people are still kind," Sara Rosemeyer said.