A Ralston firefighter battling cystic fibrosis is back home in Nebraska after he received a live saving lung transplant.
He's spending it celebrating is random acts of kindness day.
Ralston firefighter Mike Bramhall is back home for the first time in eight months following a double lung transplant in Durham, North Carolina. He spent Friday sharing kindness.
While he can't quite yet find the way to show appreciation for his donor.
"I don't know how to express my gratitude. It's kind of hard to put in words," he said.
He paid his gift forward.
KMTV went along as Mike went downtown in the Old Market to celebrate random acts of kindness day. Bramhall was one of a couple hundred people representing Nebraska Organ Recovery. Each person one had a small budget to spend, between $40 and $200, on whatever they wanted to do good.
Mike gave away some five and ten dollar bills, bought some cupcakes, and went into a couple of restaurants to pay peoples bills.
For Bramhall, today was all to raise awareness for organ donation, what he calls the ultimate kindness and a second chance.
Speaking of that, he even got some news while out performing his random acts.
"That was my transplant coordinator," he said, as he hung up from a phone call. "I had some blood draws and them came back great. They lowered my anti rejection pills so that's good."