Sometime in the next several days, one of the largest flowers in the world, an Amorphophallus titanum is going to cause a big stink at Lauritzen Gardens.
Garden staff have dubbed the titan arum "The Amazing Stinko" because of its enormous flower power, its ravishing rarity and because the plant is known to have the greatest stench on Earth. The Amazing Stinko is currently on display and will be available for public viewing during regular operating hours - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday, and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday until it completes its bloom cycle.
Native to the rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia, the titan arum is uncommon in both the wild and in cultivation. Worldwide, just over 200 plants have ever bloomed under cultivation. Other cities, like Washington D.C. and Pittsburgh, PA have had similar specimens bloom in recent years. These blooms have attracted thousands of visitors and have received rave reviews, appearing in national newspapers and on shows such as "Good Morning America." The Amazing Stinko is the first titan arum to be on public display in Nebraska.
This true marvel of the plant world has a unique architectural structure, with gigantic blooms and an obnoxious odor that attracts thousands of visitors when it is in flower. The plant's nauseating corpse/rotting fish/dead rat in a wall smell becomes apparent as the spathe (the outer frilly skirt) unfurls. The inflorescence also generates heat, which allows the stench to travel further. This combination of heat and smell efficiently attracts pollinators, such as dung and carrion beetles and flesh flies, from across long distances. The bloom is expected to last 24 to 48 hours before quickly collapsing, giving visitors a limited
amount of time to smell its stench.
The titan arum is located in the tropical house of the Marjorie K. Daugherty Conservatory at Lauritzen Gardens. Standard garden admission rates apply.