WeatherWeather Blog


Outlook for July

July weather outlook
and last updated

The heat is about to kick back on again! After a stretch of days with highs in the 80s, it looks like we are heading into the 90s once again.

Here’s a look at our expected afternoon highs for the first week of July. Temperatures will be in the upper 80s to start and push into the low 90s by the fourth at the latest. Some of our afternoon highs before then are juuuust under the 90-degree mark.

Temp Trend 7 Days.png

Highs in the 90s are close to average for July, but just slightly above. Omaha’s averages for the month of July are an average high of 88 degrees, an average low of 68 degrees, and average precipitation of about three and a half inches. July looks to be off to a bit of a dry start. At least, for the first few days. This is a nice break from our afternoon showers we had to bring June to a close.

July Preview.png

As for the rest of the month, the Climate Prediction Center showers a chance of warmer than average temperatures basically along and north of I-80 in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Parts of southeastern Nebraska, southwestern Iowa, and northwestern Missouri likely see equal chances of above or below average temperatures throughout the month, so it is not exactly a clear signal either way for those areas.

Nation Temp Monthly Outlook.png

When it comes to precipitation, the CPC shows a chance of drier than average conditions for parts of northeastern Nebraska and northwestern Iowa, like the areas expecting a chance of higher-than-average temperatures. Southeastern Nebraska, southwestern Iowa, and northwestern Missouri shower an equal chance of drier or wetter than average conditions.

Nation Precip Monthly Outlook.png

Unsurprisingly, the general consensus it probably what you expect: we will see some hot days in July and some periodic chances for showers and thunderstorms.