
Westgate Assisted Living announces additional coronavirus cases

and last updated

UPDATE 11/10/20

Westgate Assisted Living says four more residents have tested positive for COVID-19.

With the new cases, 14 residents of the facility have now tested positive.

In addition, five people are still in quarantine and three have passed away.

The facility is still waiting on additional tests.


Westgate Assisted Living said in a letter to family members on Monday that 10 additional residents have tested positive for coronavirus.

Eleven other residents remain in quarantine while one resident has passed away.

Westgate also said seven additional team members have tested positive for coronavirus.

PREVIOUS: Ten residents, nine staff test positive for COVID-19 at Westgate Assisted Living

Two of the seven team members have recovered and will be returning to work soon. The others are in quarantine.

Read the full letter from Westgate below.

Dear Family Members,

In the interest of keeping you informed, here is the status of COVID-19 in our community since our last update:


· Ten additional residents have tested positive. We are awaiting results from our most recent testing.
· Twelve of our residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
· Eleven others remain in quarantine.
· One of our dear residents has passed away.

Team members:

· We are awaiting results from our most recent testing. Seven additional team members have tested positive.
· Nine of our team members have tested positive for COVID-19.
· Two of the seven team members have recovered, and will be returning to work soon. The others remain in Quarantine away from the community.

I fully understand your concern for the health and safety of your loved one; however, due to state and federal privacy laws and regulations, we are unable to share information about specific residents or team members. We request that everyone please refrain from asking our team members or me for additional details.

We always contact families and physicians directly and immediately if a resident shows symptoms of or tests positive for COVID-19. I will keep you informed of further developments. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you for your ongoing trust in our commitment to your loved one’s care.

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