OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Today a Douglas County judge set the bond for two men accused of an attempted abductions in Benson. Both of the men are registered sex offenders.
The bond for 34-year-old Robert J. Williams and 32-year-old Antonio Johnson has been set at $10 million a piece. The minimum they would have to pay to be bonded out of jail would be $1 million each.
Johnson is charged with:
- Two counts of conspiracy to commit a class 2 felony
Williams is charged with:
- Kidnapping-voluntarily released alive, a class 2 felony
- Attempt of class 1/1A/1B/1C/1D felony, a class 2 felony
- Conspiracy to commit a class 2 felony, a class 2 felony
Preliminary hearings for both men have been set on June 3.
Williams and Johsnon could face 1-50 years per count.
You can read more on this story at here: Sex offender accused of attempted abduction