OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — A visitation is being held Wednesday night for 18-year-old Madison Everitt who passed away on May 23 at Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. On May 22 she suffered a catastrophic brain injury from a crash near Blair.
The visitation is Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and the funeral will be held Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at Fremont First Lutheran Church.
Everitt recently graduated from Fremont High School.
Her obituary described her as being heavily involved in softball and dance.
The obituary further read:
“A friend described who Maddie was in a tribute she wrote after Maddie's passing. She said that Maddie, ‘has many times been described as a light in our world, she never fell short of that metaphor…she was so much more, Maddie guided the lost and alone like a star, befriending the outcasts, she entertained, not for applause, but as she danced, smiled, and laughed through everything she did, she naturally entertained all with her love of life. Anything she touched or put her soul into was instantly made brighter and fuller of love… she lived a life of love, authenticity and courage. Anyone associated with Maddie was proud to know her…’"
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