A little less than a month after a devastating fire destroyed the beloved Bellevue restaurant Nettie’s, the community came together to show their support for the family and employees that had served Nettie's Fine Mexican Food for over 30 years.
Stocks N Bonds hosted the spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the restaurant that became engulfed in flames just a few nights before Christmas. The event featured a number of local bands as well as a silent auction to help the family behind Nettie's raise money for their employees who are now without jobs due to the fire.
"I want to thank everybody who has helped us, from Stocks N Bonds, Shannon Darry who put all of this together. All of our distributors who donated products, from anyone who has donated everything from 5 dollars to thousands of dollars, we can't say thank you enough," said Michelle Lyons.
Now the family behind Nettie's isn't sure what the future of the restaurant will be, but Lyons says she would like to see the restaurant return.
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