OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — As the College World Series (CWS) gets ready to begin, the Omaha Police Department (OPD) said it is prepared to step up its presence downtown and along the riverfront to ensure a safe experience for the public. It also provided information on security protocols, parking, tickets and more.
The department is also asking the community to help.
“If you see something, say something. Omaha Police encourage all patrons to be vigilant throughout the CWS and urge the public to immediately report any suspicious behavior or unattended items to nearby officers, or to call 911," it said.
OPD and the Metropolitan Entertainment & Convention Authority (MECA) held a press conference to discuss what you need to know before you go at 1 p.m. this afternoon. Click here for that or read below for more.
The department provided the following info which covers what guests can expect when going through security, parking, buying tickets and more:
Law enforcement personnel and security officers will screen fans and employees at all entrances of the stadium. Guests should adhere to the clear bag policy and anticipate a brief “wanding” before entrance is permitted into the stadium.
A clear and small bag policy is currently in effect at TD Ameritrade Park Omaha and will be enforced throughout the CWS.
Bags that adhere to this policy include:
- Clear, uncolored plastic bags.
- Small or clutch-sized purses or wallets, not exceeding 4.5 inches tall by 6.5 inches long.
- One-gallon, clear plastic freezer bags are permitted.
- Diaper bags must be clear plastic.
- Exceptions will be made for bags of medical necessity after a brief search.
Members of the media will be permitted to bring necessary camera or computer bags through the Gate 4 security entrance after inspection. For more information or a list of Frequently Asked Questions, visit TD Ameritrade Park Omaha’s website at:
Items Not Allowed in the Stadium
- Any type of weapon, fake weapon, or object resembling a weapon. This includes but is not limited to handguns, rifles, knives, straight edge razors, brass knuckles, swords, dangerous ordinance, tasers, and all other categories of weapons, whether such items are real or replica weapons. This includes permit holders possessing or carrying lawfully concealed weapons in or around the facility. Weapons cannot be checked into Security or Guest Services.
- Alcohol / Drugs / Illegal Substances / Vaporizing Pens / No Smoking / No E-cigs / MECA Omaha operates as a smoke free facility
- Professional Cameras / Cameras With Lenses Greater Than 3” / Detachable Lenses
- Audio Recording / Video Recording / Tripods / Monopods / Selfie Sticks
- Laser Pointing Devices / Glow Sticks
- Drones in any area of MECA’s campus
- Bicycles / Hover Boards / Heelys / Skateboards / Rollerblades
- Disruptive noise making of any kind / Bells / Whistles / Air Horns
- Large Umbrellas / Golf Umbrellas / Chairs
- Beach Balls / Bubbles / Footballs / Frisbees / Balloons
- Fireworks / Pyrotechnics
- Confetti / Glitter / Aerosols
- Signs / Banners
- Outside Food / Beverage; 20 oz. or smaller empty clear plastic bottles will be allowed for water
- Abusive / Foul Language / Disruptive Language / Obscene Clothing / Indecent Clothing
- Animals, except service animals
- Any item deemed to compromise public safety
Banned items must be disposed of before an individual may gain entrance to the ballpark.
Cameras ARE permitted for still photography and video for personal use, but lens length must be no longer than approximately three inches and no additional detachable lenses will be permitted. Camera bags must also be clear plastic.
The FAA mandates that a five-mile radius from an airport is a controlled air space. The FAA created controlled air spaces for the purpose of protecting national security and public safety. The area including TD Ameritrade Park Omaha and CHI Health Center Omaha falls within the five-mile zone surrounding Eppley Airfield. As a consequence, anyone wishing to operate an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) within this controlled air space must comply with all regulations mandated and enforced by the FAA. These requirements include (but are not limited to) filing for and receiving an exemption to the controlled air space, registration of the UAV, navigation of the device by a licensed pilot and notifying the airport operator and control tower.
Traffic, Tailgating and Parking
Vehicle and pedestrian traffic near TD Ameritrade Park Omaha will be significant during the CWS. Please follow the tips below and view transportation alternatives to enjoy a safe, stress-free trip to the event, avoiding accidents and fees for moving and parking violations.
Law enforcement personnel will be patrolling TD Ameritrade Park Omaha and directing traffic. For everyone’s safety, we urge both pedestrians and vehicular traffic to follow the directives of law enforcement personnel.
Vehicles parking in MECA managed surface parking lots will be allowed to tailgate. Tailgating will be allowed inside the lot – but all grills and other personal property will need to be kept in close proximity to your vehicle and should not extend into drive lanes or additional parking spaces.
Tailgating is NOT allowed in the CHI Health Center Omaha garage. Law enforcement personnel and security officers will be monitoring activities within and surrounding all MECA-managed parking lots. All personal property must be removed from parking lots at the end of each night. All MECA-managed lots will open at 8 a.m. and close 90 minutes following the conclusion of the last game.
Lot D is a “pass lot” for CWS season-ticket holders.
Lot B also is a “pass lot” for CWS game days.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking is available on a first come, first-served basis in MECA-managed parking lots. There is no charge for vehicles displaying the appropriate hang tag or license plate. (ADA) Parking is available, but limited in Lots A, B, and D (with a lot D pass) on the TD Ameritrade Park Omaha/CHI Health Center Omaha campus. Those needing ADA parking should plan to arrive early to secure a spot.
Persons with disabilities may be dropped off on the southwest side of the stadium near the corner of 12th and Mike Fahey Streets. Elevators are located south of the ticket windows near Gate #2 as well as south of Gate #1 at the Suite/Club Entrance on 13th Street.
Park Omaha is a convenient, City of Omaha website and parking app that can help you locate hundreds of parking spots in the downtown and north downtown area. You also can use the ParkOmaha app to pay parking fees at garages or street meters from your smart phone.
Motorcycle parking is available on the south side of Mike Fahey Street, between 13th and 14th Streets.
All other parking is privately-owned and subject to fees or towing.
AAA Nebraska is offering free tow, lockout and jumpstart service to any patrons at the CWS from noon to 10 p.m. each game day. To receive service, call 1-800-AAA-HELP or contact an officer stationed near TD Ameritrade Park.
Please, do not leave any valuables inside your vehicle.
Bicycles and Alternative Transportation
If you prefer to travel by bicycle, a free bicycle valet service and parking “corral” is available on the southwest side of the stadium on Mike Fahey St., between 13th and 14th Streets. There will also be a designated scooter only parking zone on the corner of 14th & Mike Fahey St. The bike corral will offer free, protected parking for bicyclists who bring their own bikes which will be monitored by local volunteers. The bike valet is available 30 minutes before to 30 minutes after each game. There also is a temporary Heartland B-cycle bike share station in the corral, and it will feature the new, electric, pedal-assist bikes. Bicycle racks and bicycle valet parking locations are indicated on the map found here: Questions can be directed to
Scooter operators ARE subject to citation for violations of the Nebraska Rules of the Road.
- Operators may be cited for stop sign violations, driving scooters on the wrong side of the roadway or sidewalks, failure to signal turn, etc.
- Scooters are not to be operated on roadways with a speed limit 35 miles per hour or over. The scooters are not to exceed a speed of 15 miles per hour.
- Scooters cannot be operated on sidewalks.
- Operators must be at least 18 years old (per user agreement).
- Operators are not required to have a driver’s license.
- Operators are not required to have car insurance.
- Operators are encouraged but not required to wear a helmet.
Violators can be cited using the following ordinances/statute:
Sec. 36-146. - Motorized scooter operation violation.
It shall be unlawful for any person to purposely or knowingly operate a motorized scooter, as defined in section 36-2, in violation of one or more of the following manners:
- (a)The operator of a motorized scooter shall obey all the traffic laws of the State of Nebraska and the City of Omaha;
- (b)A motorized scooter shall not be operated on any sidewalk;
- (c)A motorized scooter shall not, at any time, impede the free flow of pedestrian traffic;
- (d)No one under the age of 18 shall operate a motorized scooter;\
- (e)Only one person may operate a motorized scooter;
- (f)An operator of a motorized scooter shall have a valid driver's license or state-issued identification;
- (g)A motorized scooter shall not operate on any street or highway where the speed limit is greater than 35 miles per hour;
- (h)Drivers are prohibited from operating a motorized scooter while consuming any alcoholic beverage and the results of a preliminary breath test (PBT) shall be sufficient evidence to presume consumption;
- (i)Refusal to submit to a preliminary breath test (PBT) constitutes a separate offense; or
- (j)A motorized scooter shall not be parked in a way that blocks:
- (1)Railroad tracks;
- (2)Handicapped or prohibited parking; or
- (3)Vehicular driveways.
- (k)Children under the age of 18 and wearing a helmet are exempt from the restrictions stated in subsections (b), (d), (f) and (j)(3).
- (l)A person who violates any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of $100.00 for each offense.
Taxi stands will be located at 12th and Cass Streets, between Capitol and Cass Streets on 10th Street, and on Cuming Street next to the Holiday Inn. Numerous taxis will be available for transportation.
Pedicabs will stage on 12th and Mike Fahey Street, across from TD Ameritrade Park Omaha. A link to the city ordinance regarding pedicab operation is below. Pedicab Ordinance
Ride-Share: The ride-share pickup and drop-off will be located towards the north end of the cutout along 10th Street in front of CHI Health Center Omaha. Signs will be posted.
Low-speed vehicles and motorized carts are prohibited in Omaha.
Motorized carts are all four-wheel vehicles which are motor driven and no more than 76 inches in overall length and no more than 26 inches in height. For the purposes of this article, the terms "karts," "carts," "go-carts," "go-karts" and motorized cars coming within the above specifications shall be included and are intended to be included in the definition of "motorized cart."
60-6,380 Certain “low speed vehicles” are allowed on Omaha streets:
A low-speed vehicle may be operated on any highway on which the speed limit is not more than 35 miles per hour. A low-speed vehicle may cross a highway on which the speed limit is more than 35 miles per hour. Nothing in this section shall prevent a county, city, or village from adopting more stringent ordinances governing low-speed vehicle operation if the governing body of the county, city, or village determines that such ordinances are necessary and in the interest of public safety. Any person operating a low-speed vehicle as authorized under this section shall have a valid, Class O operator’s license and shall have liability insurance coverage for the low-speed vehicle. The Department of Roads may prohibit the operation of low-speed vehicles on any highway under its jurisdiction if it determines that the prohibition is necessary in the interest of public safety.
60-119.01 Low-speed vehicle, defined:
Low-speed vehicle means a (1) four-wheeled motor vehicle (a) whose speed attainable in one mile is more than twenty miles per hour and not more than twenty-five miles per hour on a paved, level surface, (b) whose gross vehicle weight rating is less than three thousand pounds, and (c) that complies with 49 C.F.R. part 571, as such part existed on January 1, 2020, or (2) three-wheeled motor vehicle (a) whose maximum speed attainable is not more than twenty-five miles per hour on a paved, level surface, (b) whose gross vehicle weight rating is less than three thousand pounds, and (c) which is equipped with a windshield and an occupant protection system. A motorcycle with a sidecar attached is not a low-speed vehicle.
Low-speed vehicles are considered “Motor Vehicles”; therefore, must be registered in accordance with 60-383.02. The fee for such registration is $15.
Since low-speed vehicles are classified as “Motor Vehicle”, they must comply with the “Rules of the Road” the same as any other motor vehicle.
All Statutes pertaining to the Rules of the Road will be enforced.
Low-speed vehicles can NOT be used as a “taxi” type service. This includes charging an actual “fare” or any gratuity-based transportation service. These vehicles, however, can be used as a hospitality/courtesy transport (where no money is exchanged).
Other Stadium Information
Gates open two hours in advance of game time (parking lots open at 8 a.m. for all game days).
Fans must leave between games. Gates will reopen as soon as possible once the stadium had been cleared.
Anyone needing to leave and then re-enter the stadium must be screened again before re-entry.
No overnight parking will be allowed in MECA-managed parking lots.
Parking lots will close 90 minutes after the last game of the day. Any vehicles left overnight will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Due to security measures and limited parking availability, please allow extra time to find parking and your seats.
TD Ameritrade Park Omaha is a smoke-free facility. Any person who refuses to comply with the policy shall be subject to ejection from the facility. Smoking areas are located outside all entry gates. Smokers must stay 20 feet away from the gate entrance. Electronic or vapor cigarettes are also prohibited.
A temporary AM Radio station will be established to broadcast CWS info. The channel, at AM 1670, can be heard within three miles of the stadium.
With few exceptions, all tickets are digital. Those needing assistance with their mobile tickets should go to the box office.
This year, due to NCAA COVID protocols to keep fans and student-athletes safe, the outfield will NOT be sold as General Admission. For 2021 only, the outfield will be the lowest price reserved seats. These bench-style seats with backs have
Tickets may not be resold for more than face value on the grounds of TD Ameritrade Park Omaha, or within a half-mile radius of the stadium. The Omaha Police Department will be actively enforcing all scalping laws. Because tickets are digital, fans should report anyone attempting to sell paper tickets.
Reserved tickets for games 1-4 and finals games 1-3 show a face value of $45, $50 or $60
Reserved tickets for games 5, 7 and 11 show a face value of $30, $50 or $60.
Reserved tickets for games 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 show a face value of $35, $50 or $60.
A limited number of single club seats are available, day of game only, at the TD Ameritrade Park Omaha box office for $70 for all games.
The “if necessary” games on Saturday are called Bracket 1 and Bracket 2. The prices for reserved seats are $30, $50, $60. Club seat prices for these “if necessary” games are $80.
Ticketmaster is the NCAA’s new ticketing partner.
The first weekend and Finals will be sold at $28, with weekday evenings at $23 and weekday afternoons at $18 plus fees.
For more information or assistance, call the CWS of Omaha Inc. hotline at (402) 554-4404. LiveChat also may be available on Fans may leave a message for later response if an operator is not available.
Please note that the box office will use dynamic pricing for all games, therefore day-of game ticket prices may be higher than the advance sale prices. Tickets will be electronically scanned. Once scanned, the ticket is cancelled. The only way to ensure tickets are valid is to purchase them through
Reserved Seating Ticket Purchases
We recommend that the general public visit the CWS websites at or for information. You can also contact TD Ameritrade Park Omaha at 402-546-1800 (once the CWS begins) if you have any questions.
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