I’m Melissa Wright at UNO where students tell me they feel its important to get registered to vote ahead of the election.
UNO students are registering to vote. And UNO is giving them easy access to voter registration and everything they should know heading to the polls. Toni Monette an organizer says she hopes easy access motivates them.
“Getting them excited about participating in the process.. making it relatable to them with some of activities we have going on today." said Monette.
Promise Lloyd says this isn't her first time voting. But it is her first time witnessing a candidate she feels is relatable.
“Because this is someone that is going to be running the country. So I feel like it's important that they are relatable and that they are touching people in different communities. Otherwise its kind of like you have no contact with them so it's like why should I care what you're doing if you can’t even relate to my needs and the things I think are important in my life.” said Lloyd.
Llyod says there's a lot she'll consider when she votes in November. .
“The whole thing with Women's Rights. That whole thing was really scary. So if we could get that changed that would make me feel little bit more comfortable to live here.” said Lloyd.
Christoffer Davis moved to Omaha from Norway. He says this will be his first time voting here in Nebraska.
"I’ve been following the elections from Norway and to be honest it's super cool to be able to vote in two elections and I just want to take part in it. I’m just super interested in how everything works and I’ve never done it. So everything is new to me and i think it's interesting to follow and it's a very heated thing here in America.” said Davis.
Monette tells me they've been working to get students registered since August and so far they've reached over 200 students.
“As we look at the election and look at young people. I think it's important that we look at ways to make voting easier and more relatable for students.” said Monette.
This week organizers will also host events focused on community organizing for students, misinformation and AI, and student-lead voter registration opportunities — giving students a chance to encourage other students to register and vote. In Omaha, I’m Melissa Wright.